Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Still blogging

So, after a brief hiatus I am back. Unfortunately, November has not been ideal for electric skateboarding due to the UK weather. Don't get me wrong, prior to November it has been a good run of nearly four months of use for the electric skateboard. Mostly, the board has behaved impeccably. However, recently there had been an increasing frequency of the  motor power suddenly cutting out which seemed to be due to the controller communication being lost. Power would then resume after about 5-10 seconds. But this would be a bit disconcerting when bombing down a hill and discovering the regenerative breaking was not working due to controller comms failure. After some head scratching there was a simple fix. After covering more than 180 miles I decided to change the batteries in the controller. With new batteries everything is working fine again.

Now, this month I've had to cease my daily commute on the skateboard. The Autumn leaves in the park are turning into mulsh and the winds have caused many a small branch obstacle. This is not a good combination when you are travelling in the dark which is the case when I am finishing work now. In addition I've noticed that the one rear wheel drive (as is common on a lot of the more affordable electric skateboards) does not contribute to stability when traversing over the winter deposited small obstacles. The result is the board travelling in an unexpected direction and me having to jump off. So folks, there will be no more tales of commuting on my board for the next few months - at least not until Spring.

But this is not a temporary pause to the blog. Rather the blog will go a bit more techie as I will continue to update on the modifications I  will  make to the board.  First up is completion of the odometer.

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